Hey Boo Boo, My name is Ben A.K.A NewfoundWink A.K.A Wink. I am 30 Years old, born in Newfoundland Canada.

I grow up my whole life playing hockey at all levels from junior to college to the AHL. It made for some great adventures and amazing opportunities to meet some amazing people. Without it I wouldn’t have meet my fiancé Krysta or ending up with my beautiful husky Atlas. However, through my travels and hockey I had a lot of down time, a lot of lonely nights and a lot of boredom lol. Gaming however was always something that filled that. Once I stepped away from hockey, I always keep gaming, and one day I tried streaming and well… here we are. I was/kind of still am a partner streamer on Facebook BUT I stream full time on Twitch.tv/newfoundwink and love it.

Can’t wait to see you all there😊 #winkfam #RSG

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