1. All players must join the RSG discord @
2. This tournament is Play Station console only due to NHL not being crossplay.
3. All matches are best of three (3) games and double elimination. Games in the losers bracket are one and done.
4. Any NHL team is allowed to be picked. Only NHL teams.
5. Which ever team is picked in the first game of any match has to be the team you play with the entire match. You may change your team in the following match should you win.
6. Lowest seeded team picks their team first.
7. All teams and seeding are picked at random.
8.This Tournament will be played Sept 12th @ 12:30pm EST
9.Once we’ve reached the 16 teams OR 5pm TWO days prior to the
tournament, registration will be closed.
10.To register it will cost $12.50 a team/person – $10 for tournament buyin and $2.50 entry fee. The $2.50 entry fee is non-refundable.
11.Pay outs will be determined on the day of the tournament by the number of teams that enter but will follow this format: 1st place-70% 2nd place-30%
12. Players only get 5minutes to show to their match before they can forfeit. Being on time is your responsibility so please ensure you’re ready for your matches.
13.It’s every players responsibility to ensure they have proof of their wins. We suggest that at least one person records matches or takes pictures of the score board. If there’s a dispute, you have to show proof of your win via picture or video. You submit your proof by messaging RSG Albo#8217 on the RSG discord.
14.Refunds: Once the tournament bracket has started there is NO refunds available. If a refund is issued, the entrance fee is non refundable.
15.Once the tournament has started you can no longer change team players, but if you need to change a player before the tournament you can do so.
16.RSG reserves the right to change these guidelines and rules at anytime.

All matches are to be reported via discord in form of video or screen shots (picture) to “RSG Albo#8217” in the RSG discord. Players must include team name when reporting scores.

■ Game Settings: If any game settings are not mentioned in the list below, they shall be left at the default value.
o Game Mode: Online Versus
o Difficulty: All-Star
o Period Length: 4 Minutes
o Game Type: Competitive
o Rules: Custom
o Fighting: On
o Penalties: On
o Injuries: Off
o Offsides: Delayed
o Icing: Hybrid Icing
o Tie Break: Continuous Overtime
o Control Goalie in Shootout: On


Albert Collins

  • Activision: Newfiealb#4294967295
  • Bnet: Rocked#1151
  • Facebook Message: Visit  and “Send Message”
  • Email:
  • DiscordID: RSG Albo#8217